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Delivery Term Code (DTC). The Delivery Term Code (DTC) is a logistical code that indicates how far, from the source of supply to the final destination, that the Department of Defense (DoD) is responsible to transport a shipment. The DTC does not determine the mode of transportation or how it is financed.
DELIVERY TERM CODES (DTCs) NUMBER OF CHARACTERS: One. TYPE OF CODE: ... This code, which has limited use, is normally associated with shipments such as training items sent to DoD Activities foreign officers or excess materiel of one country filling a requirement of another country in the same geographic area. 3.
14 rows · Table C9.T4a. Table of Delivery Term Codes and Percentage Percentages to be used when …
Nov 19, 2012 · The Foreign Military Sales (FMS) system uses Delivery Term Codes (DTC) to define logistics responsibilities. It’s important for defense companies to be familiar with the DTC “lingo” to understand how transportation logistics will be handled in their FMS case.
DTC - Delivery Term Code. Looking for abbreviations of DTC? It is Delivery Term Code. Delivery Term Code listed as DTC. Delivery Term Code - How is Delivery Term Code abbreviated? ... delivery system strategy; Delivery Term Code; Delivery Terms; Delivery Ticket; Delivery Ticket Invoice; Delivery to Customer; Delivery Traffic Indication Message;
<style>.view-loading-indicator { display: none; }</style><div class="noscript"><div class="logo"></div><h1>Looks like you have javascript turned off.</h1><h3>Please ...
However, we have made an exception because the transportation rate change is already (as of this printing) in effect for the specific rate areas and Delivery Term Codes and …
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