We have collected information about Is Second Delivery Easier Than First for you. Follow the links to find out details on Is Second Delivery Easier Than First.
There are no sure things when it comes to babies (and deliveries), but on average second babies do pop out a little faster, all things being equal (which they aren't always). Your body is more experienced the second time around — and certain parts are, well, let's just say, a little laxer, allowing for a potentially faster passage and speedier process.
9 Ways Your Second Labor Will Be Different Than Your First This post may contain affiliate links. This just means that if you make a purchase from a link you find here, I may earn a small commission at NO additional charge to you.
So you might consider saving that long, intricately specific birth plan for your second birth, which is likely to be easier and more suited to a birth plan than a first. A mom of a first baby doesn't know yet if her anatomy and her baby are compatible for a vaginal birth.
Dec 18, 2009 · However practically, my second and third labours were no easier than my third. My first was 24 hours back to back with just gas and air, I was cut. My second was 36 hours (yes longer) and back to back again but this time I had pethadine which made the experience a lot more relaxed, but that may have been that I was calmer second time around.Reviews: 18
May 17, 2008 · The second was much easier. With my first I had the epidural but it took forever and the recover time was long. I think I was in hard labor, pushing for over an hour.
Dec 04, 2007 · The first was definitely easier even though he was on time and weight 7 lbs 6 ounces and second was 3-4 weeks early and only weight 5 lbs 12 ounces. 0 0 0 Login to reply the answers Post
Jun 07, 2005 · Are second labors usually quicker and easier? There is no simple answer to this question. Just as every woman is different, every pregnancy is different as well. In general, however, each successive labor has a probability of progressing faster than the one previous.
There's evidence that second babies tend to be bigger than first babies (Bacci et al 2014). But this isn't always the case, and the difference doesn't tend to be dramatic. But this isn't always the case, and the difference doesn't tend to be dramatic.
While most of the time, the second childbirth is a much easier process, Bartos says, it’s never guaranteed: There’s always the possibility that baby is bigger or in the wrong position, a complication might arise, or things just don’t go as expected.Author: Katherine Martinelli
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