Import Oracle Apps Xdo Delivery

We have collected information about Import Oracle Apps Xdo Delivery for you. Follow the links to find out details on Import Oracle Apps Xdo Delivery. (Oracle BI Publisher Java API ...
    You need to implement, but, fortunately, covers most of generic things you need so you can just extend the class and define the your delivery channel specific features.<p/> Sample implementation of DeliveryRequest for the File delivery channel is following.
    Location (full path to the file) of CA Certification file generated by Oracle Wallet Manager. This is used for SSL secure connection. If you don't set this property, the default CA Certificaiton file that includes only a couple of major CA certificates will be used.

DeliveryRequest (Oracle BI Publisher Java API Reference)
    setDocument public void setDocument(java.lang.String pDocument, java.lang.String pEncoding) throws DeliveryException Sets the document. <p/> You can pass the document content with a String object. For the encoding parameter, you should pass one of the character encodings supported in Java.

Delivery Manager .jar files and samples Oracle Community
    Apr 06, 2007 · Re: Delivery Manager .jar files and samples Tim Dexter-Oracle Apr 6, 2007 12:56 PM ( in response to 10560 ) Hi All THe delivery APIs are all in the xdocore.jar if you have the template builder installed on your desktop.

Using the Delivery Manager APIs - Oracle
    Using the Delivery Manager APIs Introduction. The Delivery Manager is a set of Java APIs that allow you to control the delivery of your BI Publisher documents.

Using the BI Publisher APIs - Oracle
    package oracle.apps.xdo.template.rtf.util.barcoder; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import oracle.apps.xdo.template.rtf.util.XDOBarcodeEncoder; import oracle.apps.xdo.common.log.Logger; // This class name will be used in the register vendor // field in the template. public class BarcodeUtil implements ...

Getting started with BIP APIs Oracle BI Publisher Blog
    Mar 12, 2007 · Getting started with BIP APIs. Tim Dexter. ... collections.jar - you only need this if you are working with the delivery APIs or bursting engine. ... import oracle.apps.xdo.template.RTFProcessor; public class XDOTest { public XDOTest() { // Need to use a try-catch block try

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