We have collected information about Femur Fracture During Cesarean Breech Delivery for you. Follow the links to find out details on Femur Fracture During Cesarean Breech Delivery.
Jun 26, 2012 · Fracture of femur is considered rare in newborns and has been described with difficult deliveries. The reported incidence varies between 0.13 and 0.077 per 1,000 deliveries [ 3, 4 ]. The earliest case of femoral shaft fracture in a newborn was reported in 1922 following a difficult breech delivery …Author: Ramprasad Kancherla, Sukesh Rao Sankineani, Sameer Naranje, Laxman Rijal, Ramakant Kumar, Tahir Ansa...
The first report on a femoral fracture during cesarean section was published by Eherenfest . Toker et al. [ 6 ] recently reported one ofthe largest known series of 12 femur fractures in Israel after cesarean section (incidence of 0.308 per 1000 CS) versus 5 fractures in vaginal delivery (incidence of 0.027 per 1000 VD) in the same series and stated that cesarean section markedly increase the risk of long …
Femur fracture during cesarean breech delivery. J.T. Awwad. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, American University of Beirut Medical Center, Beirut Lebanon. Search for more papers by this author. D.E. Nahhas.Author: J.T. Awwad, D.E. Nahhas, K.S. Karam
Apr 22, 2008 · While vaginal breech delivery, although rare, can cause femur fracture, abdominal breech delivery is not expected to cause it. A 2,490-g female infant was delivered at term by elective cesarean section for breech presentation. She sustained a fracture of the femur shaft. A simple splinting led to a complete healing of the fracture without sequelae.Author: Shigeki Matsubara, Akio Izumi, Takashi Nagai, Ichiro Kikkawa, Mitsuaki Suzuki
While vaginal breech delivery, although rare, can cause femur fracture, abdominal breech delivery is not expected to cause fracture.
Majority of neonatal femoral fractures occur during vaginal breech delivery. Nowadays cesarean section is commonly practiced in breech presentation [12,13] and, although it might reduce the occurrence of traumatic injury [13,14], femur and humerus fractures are still observed [14-17] showing that planning the cesarean section reduces the risk of fracture of long bones but does not eliminate …Author: Luigi Papi, Federica Gori, Sara Turco, Alessandra Perutelli
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