We have collected information about Equality Delivery System Toolkit for you. Follow the links to find out details on Equality Delivery System Toolkit.
The Equality Delivery System (EDS) was commissioned by the national Equality and Diversity Council in 2010 and launched in July 2011. It is a system that helps NHS organisations improve the services they provide for their local communities and provide better working environments, free of ...
The Equality Delivery System (EDS) was originally rolled out to the NHS in July 2011 and formally launched in November 2011. The EDS is a toolkit and framework for assessing how NHS organisations are performing with regard to equality, diversity and human rights; how they can improve; and how they get to where they want to be.
The Equality Delivery System for the NHS – EDS2, being a tool designed to help NHS organisations, in partnership with local stakeholders, to review and improve their performance for people with characteristics protected by the Equality Act 2010, and to support them in meeting the Public Sector Equality Duty. The EDS2 guidance document is ...File Size: 241KB
The Equality Delivery System is a toolkit to help all staff and NHS organisations understand how equality can drive improvements, strengthen the accountability of services to those using them, and bring about workplaces free from discrimination. ... The Equality Delivery System for the NHS . . . . The
the Equality Duty; and to set themselves specific, measurable Equality Objectives. The Equality Delivery System (EDS2) is a toolkit which has been designed to help NHS Organisations to meet the requirements of the Public Sector Equality Duty. The EDS2 toolkit supports NHS organisations to identify areas for improvement. From April 2015, EDS2 ...
3 1. Introduction The Equality Delivery System (EDS2) is a toolkit which has been designed to help NHS Organisations in assessing and grading their equality performance each year.
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