We have collected information about Do Fedex Drivers Have To Get A Signature For Delivery for you. Follow the links to find out details on Do Fedex Drivers Have To Get A Signature For Delivery.
FedEx will obtain a signature from someone at the delivery address or from somebody nearby, such as a neighbor or building manager. The recipient has the option to authorize the shipment to be released without anyone present. This change can be requested through FedEx Delivery Manager ®.
FedEx Express and FedEx Ground will reattempt delivery if: 1) no one at the recipient address or a neighboring address is available to sign for the package and there is no signature release on file; or 2) the shipper has selected a FedEx ® Delivery Signature Option and no eligible recipient is available to sign for the package.
Signature proof of delivery is available for up to 18 months for FedEx Express This includes the signature image and associated shipment information. Multiple signature proof of delivery requests: You can request up to 30 signature proof of delivery letters at once.
FedEx door tag tracking number start with the letters “DT” followed by 12 numbers. FedEx direct signature release required: FedEx obtains a signature from someone at the delivery address. Click the “fedex sign for package online” option to sign on FedEx.
If it does concern you and you have the possibility of the goods “walking off” you can contact FedEx and have everything coming to your address “signature required”. But, if you do that you may find you won’t get your goods because you aren’t there to sign for them.
FedEx will attempt to obtain a signature at the delivery address. If no one is available to sign, FedEx will deliver the package in a safe place without obtaining signature.
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Register for FedEx Delivery Manager to request delivery to an alternate location, leave detailed delivery instructions for your FedEx driver, or place a temporary delivery hold on your deliveries …
Worry less about packages being stolen. With FedEx Delivery Manager®, you can request to redirect packages to a secure location.
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