We have collected information about Care Of The Perineum At Delivery-Hands On Or Poised for you. Follow the links to find out details on Care Of The Perineum At Delivery-Hands On Or Poised.
Hands-poised care is more suitable for preserving the perineum during birth (significantly less third degree tears and less episiotomies in hands-poised group) Traditional care of the perineum during birth: a prospective, randomized, multicenter study of 1076 women: 1076 women: Smith et al. (2013)Author: Petra Petrocnik, Jayne E. Marshall
BACKGROUND: The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effect of the two methods of delivery, “hands-on” vs. “hands poised”, on perineal trauma and delivery outcome in primiparous women referred to Shariati Hospital of Isfahan during 2007-2008.Author: Azam Foroughipour, Farah Firuzeh, Ataolah Ghahiri, Vajihe Norbakhsh, Tayebeh Heidari
vaginal birth is often accompanied with perineal trauma that affects postpartum morbidity. There are many techniques for protecting the perineum from injury during childbirth. …Author: Petra Petrocnik, Jayne E. Marshall
The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effect of the two methods of delivery, "hands-on" vs. "hands poised", on perineal trauma and delivery outcome in primiparous women referred ...
However, the National Perinatal Epidemiology Unit at Oxford is currently conducting a randomised controlled trial of “ Care of the Perineum at Delivery - Hands On Or Poised”, the so-called “HOOP” study, which should provide data on the effect of different approaches to delivery of the fetal head and shoulders on the perineum (McCandlish ...
perineum during fetal head delivery. The rate of tears and neonatal outcome in hands-off me-thod is similar to that of modified Ritgen’s maneuver, but the rate of perineal trauma, par-ticularly third degree tears is lower.6 Another studies showed that the hands-off or hand-poised perineum technique is prevalent in the management of labor.
The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effect of the two methods of delivery, "hands-on" vs. "hands poised", on perineal trauma and delivery outcome in primiparous women referred ...
The technique used during delivery, hands off or hands on, was the independent variable. The dependent variables were 1) perineal conditions (frequency, degree, and location of perineal laceration) and 2) newborn outcomes, as evaluated by the Apgar score.Author: Adriana de Souza, Caroci da Costa, Maria Luiza Gonzalez Riesco
Sep 24, 2008 · REDUCING PERINEAL TRAUMA “Hands-poised” method of delivery compared with “hands-on” method of delivery: The “hands-poised” method of delivery may be more effective at reducing the proportion of women with episiotomy, but not at reducing perineal trauma requiring suturing, or the occurence of third- and fourth-degree tears.
"Hands-poised" method of delivery compared with "hands-on" method of delivery The "hands-poised" method of delivery may be more effective at reducing the proportion of women with episiotomy, but not at reducing perineal trauma requiring suturing, or the occurrence of third- and fourth-degree tears.
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