We have collected information about Xdp Delivery Telephone Number for you. Follow the links to find out details on Xdp Delivery Telephone Number.
The XDP customer service contact number is 0845 682 0185 If you are looking to contact XDP customer service team, for general enquiries or for missing parcels, you should call them on 0845 682 0185. Calls cost 7p /min pus your companies access charge.
XDP Express Contacts. The following contacts are for departments at our Head Office in Birmingham. If you need to contact your local depot then please call Customer Services who will advise you of …
Delivery Help. If you are expecting a delivery and need to reschedule, track the driver or leave notes, download our app! Simply search XDP to download on Google Play or the App Store. All you need is your consignment number and a postcode.
Jan 22, 2018 · XDP Express, Sterling House, 97 Lichfield Street, Tamworth B79 7QF. Opening Hours: From our research, XDP locations (including Sterling House, 97 Lichfield Street, Tamworth B79 7QF) can either be open 24 hours a day, but their local depots are generally open from 7.30am – 6pm on weekdays, 7.30am – 12pm on Saturday and are closed Sunday.
The fact is, that when companies use delivery services like 'XDP', not only do they let themselves down, they let the customer down. Whenever I order online again, I'll be researching which delivery companies are used. If I ever see 'XDP' mentioned, I'll be avoiding it 100%!!!
XDP Express is a parcel delivery company. What customers are thinking? Overall Rating. 2.1. based on 139 ratings. On time delivery. 2.2. Delivery experience. 2.1. Parcel Monitor user a month ago. ... Enter your XDP Express tracking number and get updates with one click.2/5(139)
Enter tracking number to track XDP Express shipments and get delivery status online. Contact XDP Express and get REST API docs.
“ 10/10 Great service and delivery by XDP. It was swift and on time as estimated by the morning text reminder. Liam from W. Yorkshire was the XDP courier who delivered my fitness equipment, he was an absolutely super guy who moved all the heavy parcels by himself.1.4/5
Phone number : 01274 657530. The free alternative or geographic telephone number to call XDP Express (linked to the premium rate phone number 0843 178 5555) is included on your calls if you ring from an inclusive landline call package and is also available when calling from abroad.74%(141)
Jan 04, 2020 · The XDP customer services telephone number is 0843 178 2222. Calls cost up to 7 pence a minute. Calls cost up to 7 pence a minute. However, if you are a consignee expecting to receive a delivery then all queries should be directed to the sender, XDP says on its website.
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