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Mar 25, 2018 · Delivery is the action of transferring a commodity, currency, security, cash or another instrument that is the subject of a sales contract, and is tendered to and received by the buyer. Delivery can occur in spot, option or forward contracts.
Medical Definition of delivery. 1 : the act of giving birth : the expulsion or extraction of a fetus and its membranes : parturition. 2 : the procedure of assisting birth of the fetus and expulsion of the placenta …
Define delivery. delivery synonyms, delivery pronunciation, delivery translation, English dictionary definition of delivery. n. pl. de·liv·er·ies 1. a. The act of conveying or delivering. b. Something delivered, as a shipment or package. 2. a. The act of transferring to another....
Delivery definition, the carrying and turning over of letters, goods, etc., to a designated recipient or recipients. See more.
delivery noun (OF PACKAGE ETC. the act of taking goods, letters, packages, etc. to people's houses or places of work : We get two deliveries of mail (= it is delivered twice) a day. You can pay for the carpet on delivery (= when it is delivered).
1. General: Formal and voluntary transfer of possession by actual (physical) delivery, constructive delivery (by an agreement or understanding), or symbolic delivery (by documents) Also called presentation or presentment.
delivery 1 the transferring of possession from one person to another. 2 a method by which a BILL OF EXCHANGE (or other negotiable instrument) is transferred. 3 the formal act whereby a deed becomes effective; any act manifesting an intention that the document is to be effective as a deed will be sufficient to constitute an act of delivery.
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