We have collected information about Uterine Delivery Definition for you. Follow the links to find out details on Uterine Delivery Definition.
Define uterine. uterine synonyms, uterine pronunciation, uterine translation, English dictionary definition of uterine. adj. 1. Of, relating to, or in the region of the uterus: the uterine canal; uterine contractions. ... Uterus-sparing interventions to treat postpartum hemorrhage during cesarean delivery surgery.
Uterine definition is - born of the same mother but by a different father. How to use uterine in a sentence.
Uterine definition, of or relating to the uterus or womb. See more.
Uterine rupture is a serious childbirth complication that can occur during vaginal birth. Learn more about symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and treatment.
Uterine rupture is when the muscular wall of the uterus tears during pregnancy or childbirth. Symptoms while classically including increased pain, vaginal bleeding, or a change in contractions are not always present. Disability or death of the mother or baby may result.Diagnostic method: Supported by a rapid drop in the baby’s heart rate
The objective of this SMFM Consult article is to delineate the appropriate timing of delivery for women with a prior classical cesarean scar, prior myomectomy, multiple previous cesarean deliveries, and prior uterine rupture. Definition: A prior non-lower uterine segment scar includes a classical cesarean scar, which is made by performing a ...
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