We have collected information about Ups Delivery Arrangements for you. Follow the links to find out details on Ups Delivery Arrangements.
If it’s more convenient, you can also leave your package with a neighbor or, in some instances, send to another address. All of these arrangements can be made from UPS My Choice delivery notifications or your Delivery Planner.
Shipping on ups.com is simple. Get a quote, create a shipment, and print a shipping label. Learn how to import and export step by step: UPS helps you create a commercial invoice and complete international forms and documents for customs.
When you track a package before the first delivery attempt, UPS My Choice ® members see options to change the delivery for eligible shipments. Options include redirecting your package to another address, rescheduling the delivery date, or collecting your package from a UPS customer centre or a UPS Access Point ™ location, where available.
Orders delivered via UPS are carefully packaged to ensure that they arrive not only fresh, but perfectly presented, as well. Birthday Chocolate Delivery If you want to send someone chocolates for their birthday, shop with Edible Arrangements® to choose from our extensive collection of birthday treats.
With UPS Delivery Intercept SM, you can conveniently request delivery changes for packages you sent, prior to the first delivery attempt. You can have packages returned to you, redirected to another address, rescheduled to another day, or held for pickup by the recipient.
When you track a package before the first delivery attempt, UPS My Choice® members see options to change delivery for eligible shipments. Options include redirecting your package to another address, rescheduling the delivery date or collecting your package from a UPS customer centre or from a UPS Access Point ™ location, where available.
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