Smtpclient Deliverymethod Property

We have collected information about Smtpclient Deliverymethod Property for you. Follow the links to find out details on Smtpclient Deliverymethod Property.

SmtpClient.DeliveryMethod Property (System.Net.Mail ...
    The default value for this property can also be set in a machine or application configuration file. Any changes made to the PickupDirectoryLocation property override the configuration file settings. Applies to See also. SmtpSection; DeliveryMethod <mailSettings> Element (Network Settings) <smtp> Element (Network Settings)

SmtpClient.DeliveryFormat Property (System.Net.Mail ...
    Gets or sets the delivery format used by <xref data-throw-if-not-resolved="true" uid="System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient"></xref> to send email.

SmtpSection.DeliveryMethod Property (System.Net ...
    Remarks. Valid values for this property are Network, PickupDirectoryFromIis, and SpecifiedPickupDirectory.These values have configurable sub-items and have a corresponding section in the System.Net configuration file. All the sections are camel-cased, to allow the users to match the delivery method with their corresponding section names.

SmtpClient DeliveryMethod Property
    Gets or sets the delivery method. ... Property Value Type: SmtpDeliveryMethod An SmtpDeliveryMethod that indicates how messages are delivered.

SmtpDeliveryMethod Enum (System.Net.Mail) Microsoft Docs
    Email is copied to the directory specified by the PickupDirectoryLocation property for delivery by an external application. Remarks Use the SmtpDeliveryMethod enumeration as a parameter to the SmtpClient.DeliveryMethod property to specify the delivery method.

c# - Understanding the class SmtpDeliveryMethod - Stack ...
    SmtpClient supports two properties for changing mail delivery location; they are DeliveryMethod and PickupDirectoryLocation properties. DeliveryMethod specifies the delivery method that would be taken when sending the message.

SmtpClient.Send Method (System.Net.Mail) Microsoft Docs
    This SmtpClient has a SendAsync call in progress.-or-DeliveryMethod property is set to Network and Host is null.-or-DeliveryMethod property is set to Network and Host is equal to the empty string ("").-or-DeliveryMethod property is set to Network and Port is zero, a negative number, or greater than 65,535.

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