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As a key output of the Council of Australian Governments’ (COAG) Remote Service Delivery National Implementation Agreement (RSD NPA), a Local Implementation Plan for Walgett has been developed in full consultation with the communities. The purpose of the Local Implementation Plan (LIP) is to improve Government services in Walgett , with the aim to contribute to Closing the Gap for Aboriginal people living in this remote …
4. This Bilateral Implementation Plan describes the way in which the National Partnership Agreement on Remote Service Delivery will be implemented in NSW. 5. The implementation of the Agreement will involve the following essential elements: engagement with communities; baseline mapping and …
encompasses the remote service delivery sites of Yuendumu and Lajamanu, and agree that the Partnership Agreement provides an avenue to channel and focus employment and training outcomes in the region and should be leveraged and built into the Local Implementation Plans for …
plan for Remote Service Delivery implementation in the Northern Territory 1.1 Develop community engagement plans for each of the fifteen identified locations which include identification of key stakeholders such as local community representatives, non-government organisations, business/industry partners and Shire local boards.
COAG Remote Service Delivery National Partnership Agreement is understood by the community to include them as the starting place for solutions and actions for each of the building blocks. Existing governance structures within the community were targeted to begin the new approach process.
4.1 Give effect at the local level to the commitments made in the Remote Service Delivery National Partnership. 4.2 Raise the standard and range of services delivered to Aboriginal families. 4.3 Work with Aboriginal people in the priority sites to build social norms and capitalise on economic opportunities.
Local Implementation Plans are a central component of the Remote Service Delivery Partnership. These Plans perform two key roles that will underpin the success of the
The National Partnership Agreement on Remote Service Delivery (NPA RSD) is a commitment by the Australian, New South Wales, Queensland, South Australian, Western Australian and Northern Territory Governments to address local Indigenous disadvantage.
Service delivery in local municipalities - is effective implementation of the Integrated Development Plan the answer? Conference Paper (PDF Available) · September 2014 with 1,950 Reads How we ...
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