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The Impact Factor measures the average number of citations received in a particular year by papers published in the journal during the two preceding years. Journal Citation Reports (Clarivate Analytics, 2019) ... The latest Open Access articles published in Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews.
Therefore, knowledge about the tumor microenvironment and its impact to tumor drug delivery are critically important for improving the drug delivery efficiency to tumors. In this theme issue, we will focus on the tumor microenvironment and drug delivery. All high-level manuscripts, including review and research papers, are welcome.
Welcome to the Journal . Research & Reviews: Drug Delivery is an International, fully open accessed, peer-reviewed journal that is purely dedicated to collect and disseminate basic and applied research knowledge belonging to almost all areas of Pharmaceutics and pharmacology.
Research Paper Polymer Microneedles for Controlled-Release Drug Delivery Jung-Hwan Park,1 Mark G. Allen,2 and Mark R. Prausnitz1,3,4 Received December 2, 2005; accepted January 11, 2006 Purpose. As an alternative to hypodermic injection or implantation of controlled-release systems, this
Advances in biomaterials for drug delivery are enabling significant progress in biology and medicine. Multidisciplinary collaborations between physical scientists, engineers, biologists, and clinicians generate innovative strategies and materials to treat a range of diseases.Author: Owen S. Fenton, Katy N. Olafson, Padmini S. Pillai, Michael J. Mitchell, Robert Langer
For nanoformulations used in drug delivery the focus in most papers is mainly on obtained reduction of toxicity of the incorporated drug, whereas the possible toxicity of the carrier used is not considered. Especially possible residues of such a treatment may harbor …Author: Wim H De Jong, Paul Ja Borm
Drug delivery is often approached via a drug's chemical formulation, but it may also involve medical devices or drug-device combination products. Drug delivery is a concept heavily integrated with dosage form and route of administration, the latter sometimes even being considered part of the definition.
Sep 28, 2014 · The controlled drug delivery technology has progressed over the last six decades. It began in 1952 with the introduction of the first sustained release formulation. The 1st generation (1950-1980) of drug delivery was focused on developing oral and transdermal sustained release systems and establishing the controlled drug release mechanisms.Author: Kinam Park
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