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Savings calculation based on the cover price. All subscriptions include Premium Day editions, which will be charged at a rate of up to $7.49, in addition to the cost of that day’s delivery. All new Newsday print subscriptions are subject to a $5.00 activation fee.
Order a Newsday newspaper subscription at the lowest price. What should I expect from Newsday Customer Service? You should expect responsive customer care that allows you to review and update your delivery and billing information, stop delivery of your newspaper when you're away, discover special promotions and notify the Newsday of any questions or comments you have.
After yet another price increase to over $116 for 7 day delivery, I cancelled my subscription to Newsday. After 40 years as a subscriber I thought they might offer a lower price. But no. Customer rep just said "have a nice day", and hung up.
Subscribers that have had Newsday delivered in the last year are not eligible. Limit 1 per person. Valid only for option purchased. All goods or services must be used by the same person.5/5
So I immediately called Newsday and registered my complaint. The courteous Customer Relations person explained that their delivery costs had increased. I told her of the Times $64 charge and she thereupon agreed to lower the charge to $84.95.
Apr 25, 2018 · Newsday raises single copy price. Publication charges $2.50, less than NY Times, but more than New York City tabloids. Enter your user name and password in the fields above to gain access to the subscriber content on this site.
The Hicksville-based produce delivery service founded in 2013 is experiencing unprecedented popularity, and for good reason: The inventory includes fr ... Newsday is opening this story to all ...
Jan 25, 2014 · You may need to stop delivery for 30 days but the rate is ok. National and local newspaper subscriptions at discounted prices. When we lived on LI we got the Post, Newsday and Daily News every day. The only one that would budge a cent was the Daily News in terms of a better rate.
The median price of a home sold on Long Island, excluding the East End, rose to $450,000 in the third quarter of 2018, up 5.9 percent from the quarter before, according to data from the brokerage ...
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