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Some examples of malpractice that can cause birth-related injuries include: negligently failing to control excessive maternal blood loss post-delivery, and. negligently failing to monitor the baby's oxygen intake pre-and-post-delivery.
Negligence during delivery is one of the leading drivers of medical malpractice lawsuits. Start here to learn about treatment errors related to childbirth and the legal issues. When an injury occurs to an unborn baby and/or to the mother during labor or the delivery process, in many cases the harm may have been unavoidable under the circumstances.
Medical Malpractice in Labor and Delivery Giving birth to a child in a hospital setting is usually a happy occasion. Relatives and friends visit to share the joy of a new baby’s arrival into the world.
Where a child is born with a birth defect, the parent may also bring a medical malpractice action against the obstetrician and/or the hospital at which the delivery occurred. The parent may be able to bring a lawsuit for his or her own emotional distress that arose from the baby's birth defect, above and beyond liability to the child.
Medical mistakes, or malpractice, during labor and delivery can lead to injury or death to either or both of them. The medical personnel present for a baby’s birth are expected to monitor the status of the mother and child and to act quickly if problems arise.
You have two years past your son or daughter's 18th birthday to file a nurse malpractice lawsuit. Talk to a lawyer about your legal options to recover compensation. The Birth Injury Team is a subsidiary of Silvers, Langsam & Weitzman, P.C., skilled in birth injury cases.
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