We have collected information about Exchange 2003 Delivery Options Forward To for you. Follow the links to find out details on Exchange 2003 Delivery Options Forward To.
Figure 1: Use Delivery Options to auto forward email to an alternate recipient in Exchange 2003. If you need to forward mail to an external email address, you can’t simply type the address in the Forward to: field on the Delivery Options page. A (mail-enabled) Contact needs to be created in AD first, and Delivery Options modified to point to ...
To configure the forwarding element, we need to switch to the Exchange General tab, and then click the Delivery Options button. The Delivery Options dialog box will open. Under the 'Forwarding address' section, choose the 'Forward to' option, which will enable the Modify button. We can then press 'Modify' and choose Mimosa Smith from Active ...
Once the contact record is created, go to the user's ADUC properties, to the Exchange General tab / Delivery Options, and FORWARD to the new contact record that you created.
Currently I use the 'delivery options' to forward it to an external email address. But now I want to forward the emails to another user inside the company. It wont allow me to do it in 'delivery options' as it only allows one email address forward.
May 12, 2009 · AD Exchange General – Delivery options is what you would use. Set the forward to address to the new employee. You do not need to do any more, but it may take some time to replicate. ***** Adding the old address in the delivery options will not work because the old account is disabled and therefore cannot be forwarded from.
All the web examples I can find point to a very straight forward method invovling creating contact in the Active Directory Users, then navigating to the 'Exchange General' tab in the properties for that contact. Supposedly one should find a 'Delivery Options' button where a …
Mar 14, 2005 · redirecting exchange 2003 mail to ... I need to redirect (send a copy) all incoming emails from an exchange 2003 mailbox to an external AOL account, but leaving the origional in the exchange mailbox. ... click on Delivery Options. Click the Forward To button, and click Modify. Select the Contact you created in step 1. Make sure you check off ...
May 03, 2016 · The article applies to Exchange 2003. To set up forwarding for 2007/2010/2013 mailboxes, read the Knowledge Base article on How to Forward Messages from Your Exchange Mailbox.. The following instructions are intended for the person who is the Account Administrator for your Exchange account with Intermedia.
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