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Doan Law Firm has been a god send to my family. We found them via google when we were about to loose our cars and had hit rock bottom. We were able to meet with josh the very next evening and spent about a good two hours at the office looking over everything. We decided This was the correct thing to do.12 Yelp reviews
It is critical that victims get legal assistance in any personal injury case, and The Doan Law Firm is prepared to fight relentlessly for your rights. Office Locations. Midland/Odessa Office. 4500 W Illinois, Suite 203. Midland, TX 79703. 432-653-0000. Bryan Office. 1716 Briarcrest Dr.,
Doan Law Firm utilizes the latest state-of-the-art technology, making it easier than ever to file bankruptcy online from the convenience of your home. Many of our busy or home-bound clients complete 100% of their interaction with us over the phone, internet, and mail, without a single compromise.
Law Firm. Sold Here. Legal Services. Hours. MON-FRI: 24/7 S: CLOSED S: CLOSED. OPEN FOR BUSINESS. The Doan Law Firm is open and committed to serving the Houston community. Call to make an ...
The Doan Law Firm opening hours. Owner-verified. Updated on January 14, 2021. +1 806-731-4000Location: 4708 67th St, Lubbock, 79414, TX
Specialties: Bankruptcy and Non-Bankruptcy alternatives. Chapter 7, Chapter 13, Foreclosure Assistance, Wage Garnishments, Creditor Harassment. California's Largest Family of Attorneys, devoted to exclusively protecting consumer rights. Established in 1995. Doan Law is the only father-and-five-sons family of bankruptcy attorneys in the entire United States. By combining traditional family ...9 Yelp reviews
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