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DX Exchange - document delivery service. Find out why we are a trusted carrier for pathology specimens. Secure Home Delivery, for us, it’s never just a parcel. Customer Area. Manage your DX Customer account online here. LOGIN. DX Exchange » Members Area » Search DX Directory » …
I was always by the door and made a point of having the door manned all day. At 7pm today I get a message to say delivery was attempted which is utter rubbish. Considering DX are responsible for delivering passports you would expect some honesty and reliability rather than fabricating a story that they tried to deliver. Very disappointed!
Nov 22, 2012 · U.K. and Ireland - Troubles with Dx Secure - Passport delivery - I am completely stunned as to how a company such as DX Secure is allowed to exist in the UK! Not only that but it's the company IPS uses to deliver its passports! So I've had to renew my …
U.K. and Ireland - Troubles with Dx Secure - Passport delivery - But could soon. The company is in significant financial difficulties with restructurings and board changes galore. Even if it survives, it will be a very different company going forward.
Fridge delivery excellent prompt service in times of covid 19. Needed d fridge freezer ASAP after mine broke down during covid 19 virus, desperate for new one as all electrical out let's closed on my home town, new freezer delivered to me in less than 24 hours thank you so much
It will be mistake from driver or DX but consumer need to suffer ! So Everyone pls be aware of that... For me Personally believe home office or other organisation need to change their delivery partner or have a strong word with them regarding this issue as they handle peoples very sensitive documents & no one have right to play with it...
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