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Aug 01, 2013 · Simply put, drug delivery from a contact lens must be accompanied by continued satisfactory visual performance and ocular health. From a practical standpoint, contact lenses have a fairly small volume, and the volume of the lens imposes a fundamental limit on the amount of drug …
Drug-delivery contacts are normal contacts; they can be corrective for nearsightedness or farsightedness, or they can be without corrective power. To make them into a drug-delivery system, polymer films containing the glaucoma drug are added to the lenses via ultraviolet light polymerization.
Contact lenses have been studied as a means of ocular drug delivery for nearly 50 years, yet many such lenses are ineffective because they dispense the drug too quickly. The authors of the Ophthalmology study designed the contact lens to allow for a more controlled drug release.
Contact High: Lenses That Deliver Drugs Dry-eye sufferers and glaucoma patients may soon be able to trade their messy eye drops for a contact lens that delivers medication gradually over time.
Jun 29, 2012 · Contact lenses for drug delivery – overview and recent developments June 29th, 2012 Alex Hui, OD, is a PhD Candidate at the Centre for Contact Lens Research in the School of Optometry and Vision Science, University of Waterloo.
Contact lenses for drug delivery – overview and recent developments. June 29th, 2012. Contact lens drug delivery: Overview and update Continue reading ...
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