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If you receive spoken text messages but don't have an answer phone or answering service, just call Text store on 0845 602 1111 to pick up messages (calls cost 5p a minute, plus your BT access charge). Please note that messages are only saved here for 24 hours. How will I know when I receive a text message via the BT Text service?
Any texts from BT Text to your landline, will always show up on Caller Display as coming from 0845 602 111. Or you can dial 1471 after a voice message and 0845 602 1111 will be announced as the last call. If you’re getting unwanted texts, go to our unwanted calls section. Find out more about BT Text.
May 11, 2011 · It did say it was a text delivery service and went straight into the message - another spam so I put the phone down. I have one of these prepaid landline services (I will be checking out the telecoms board shortly) so I'll be annoyed if I've had to pay to get this junk. BT will be getting their 2nd complaint today I think.
My father-in-law has started getting calls claiming to be the BT SMS service and is a bit worried about it being a scam of some sort. On the plus side, I haven't found anything on the web that points in that direction but I'm not familiar with the service so I can't be sure how it's supposed to work.
Our delivery charges explained When you're at the checkout, our system will automatically calculate the delivery charge that is applicable to your order. In calculating the delivery charge, our system references the size and weight of the items you have chosen, as well …
The leading SMS Gateway & MMS Software Gateway developer for mobile messaging and wireless application infrastructure including SMS and MMS Gateways, Lotus Domino and Microsoft Exchange modules to send and receive SMS and MMS messages
BT Text - Home SMS Service Information about BT text, the service that lets you send and receive text messages from your home phone. What is BT Text? BT Text is a service that allows you to get text messages on your home landline phone instead of on a mobile.
d. connect your BT TV to the BT Broadband, including any multi-room boxes where applicable; and. e. install a single additional cable / socket if needed in order to connect your BT Broadband Service. 2. You will be responsible for reconnecting any existing devices or equipment you may have.
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