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Home > October 1993 - Volume 82 - Issue 4 > Breech delivery at term: A critical review of the literature Log in to view full text. If you're not a subscriber, you can:
Breech delivery at term: a critical review of the literature. Obstet Gynecol. 1993; 82(4 Pt 1):605-18 (ISSN: 0029-7844) Cheng M; Hannah M. OBJECTIVE: To determine whether planned vaginal or elective cesarean delivery is better for singleton term breech infants.
1. Obstet Gynecol. 1994 Mar;83(3):478-9. Breech delivery at term: a critical review of the literature. Pollard JK, Bernstein IM, Cherouny PH.Author: Mary Cheng, Mary Hannah
Jul 29, 2015 · The route of delivery in a term singleton breech presentation continues to be debated. 1-3 The safety of vaginal breech delivery represents the main point of controversy, which came into the forefront in 1931 when Soni recommended elective caesarean section (c/s) for term breech. 4 Echoed by Wright in 1959 and Kubli in 1975, this recommendation served to question the longstanding practice of trial …Author: Y Berhan, A Haileamlak
Vaginal breech delivery is associated with increased neonatal morbidity and mortality compared with vaginal delivery of a cephalic presentation. External cephalic version of a breech fetus is an effective approach to increasing the number of women who present in labor with cephalic presentation and is the approach that we recommend.
(2004). Breech Birth at Term: Vaginal Delivery or Elective Cesarean Section? A Systematic Review of the Literature by a Norwegian Review Team. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica, 83, 126-130. 14. Ulander, V.-M., Gissler, M., Nuutila, M., & Ylikorkala, O. (2004). Are Health Expectations of Term Breech Infants Unrealistically High?
The Term Breech Trial spanned 26 countries and involved 2,088 women with a frank or complete breech presentation at term (37 weeks and later). Of the 1,041 women allocated to planned cesarean delivery, 941 (90.4%) were delivered by C-section, while 591 of the 1,042 women (56.7%) assigned to the vaginal group were delivered vaginally.
The use of external cephalic version on the Norwegian population has not been studied previously. A review team was therefore assigned to review (5, 25) all current literature on term breech deliveries as well as on external cephalic version, using predetermined standard literature review methodology.Author: Lise Lund Håheim, Susanne Albrechtsen, Lillian Nordbø Berge, Per E. Børdahl, Thore Egeland, Tore Hen...
Mar 17, 2007 · We refer Lancet readers to continuing debate about the Term Breech Trial, published in this journal in 2000.1 The paper had a powerful impact worldwide, not least because the trial was stopped early (owing to a higher event rate than expected) and was fast-tracked by The Lancet. The intervention of planned caesarean benefits the term breech baby (perinatal death prevented in 1% of cases) but ...Author: Susan Bewley, Andrew Shennan
The study consisted of 172 cases of breech delivery out of them there were 106 term and preterm constituted 66 cases. Most women belonged to 21-25 years of age group.
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