We have collected information about Bapi Outb Delivery Create Sls Delivery Type for you. Follow the links to find out details on Bapi Outb Delivery Create Sls Delivery Type.
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Can you please let me know, did you create the delivery with reference to sales order ? If yes, i have similar requirement. After executing BAPI, i am getting the return message like *'No instance of object type OutboundDelivery has been created. External reference:'* Do we need to send the Delivery Type(LFART) to above BAPI ?
data: ls_sales_order_items type bapidlvreftosalesorder, lt_sales_order_items type table of bapidlvreftosalesorder, lt_serial_numbers type table of bapidlvserialnumber, lv_delivery type bapishpdelivnumb-deliv_numb, lt_return type table of bapiret2.
*---Bapi Data Define DATA :delivery TYPE bapishpdelivnumb -deliv_numb , num_deliveries TYPE bapidlvcreateheader -num_deliveries , sales_order_items LIKE bapidlvreftosalesorder OCC
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