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Balancing Customer Contact and High-Tech Delivery . By Donner, Suzanne; Dudley, Cathy ... Balancing Customer Contact and High-Tech Delivery . By Donner, Suzanne; Dudley, Cathy. Read preview. Article excerpt. Technology elicits feelings of anticipation and anxiety on the part of bankers and their customers. For the community banker, technology ...
Results from the survey show that customer-centricity is still a primary focus for high-tech companies. And while near-shoring continues to grow as a strong, reliable way to improve customer service levels, a growing number of companies are using this tactic in tandem with off-shoring.
In the case of the high-tech borrower, lenders are also challenged to somehow bring the human touch to a digital format. To balance high-tech with high-touch (and to increase the lifetime value of the customer), the role of digital tools in lending should be one of augmentation versus replacement of traditional customer strategy.
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Results from the survey show customer-centricity is still a primary focus for high-tech companies. And while near-shoring continues to grow as a strong, reliable way to improve customer-service levels, a growing number of companies are using this tactic in tandem with off-shoring.
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Self-Services in Customer Relationships: Balancing High-Tech and High-Touch Today and Tomorrow Article (PDF Available) in e-Service Journal 4(2) · January 2006 …
But as consumer expectations change, more companies are beginning to question the value of the investments required to build and support certain fulfillment capabilities. Today, supply-chain executives must create a seamless experience for omnichannel consumers, while walking the razor’s edge of balancing tradeoffs between cost and service.
Results from the survey show customer-centricity is still a primary focus for high-tech companies. And while near-shoring continues to grow as a strong, reliable way to improve customer-service levels, a growing number of companies are using this tactic in tandem with off-shoring.
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