We have collected information about Are You Supposed To Tip The Peapod Delivery Guy for you. Follow the links to find out details on Are You Supposed To Tip The Peapod Delivery Guy.
Numerous variables influence the amount you should tip a Peapod driver. Cost of the order aside, an order that is large, heavy or difficult to manage should warrant a bigger tip.CNN Money suggests tipping between 15 and 20 percent of the bill for home delivery if the delivery is of a "difficult" nature.
Apr 03, 2008 · If you have your groceries delivered (I use Peapod here in the Northeast), how much do you tip? In every other situation (dining out, takeout, delivery, etc.) I generally tip fairly well, a minimum of 20% unless something was really wrong. But clearly that's a bit extreme when it comes to a $150 or $200 grocery order. So, how much do you tip?
Sep 30, 2014 · its refreshing that you are appreciative of something vs. nothing. and that you understnad a tip is optional. i've been using peapod for over 5 years and i tip (not always handsomely) but i tip and offer water especially with the summers we have around here.
Mar 04, 2019 · OK first of all I would like to say please take this with a grain of salt but I am a grocery delivery person I shop the order I stand in line weight pay bag up all the groceries load him into my car drive over to the person's house and either it's...
Sep 27, 2011 · Peapod gets a fuel surcharge and a delivery fee - not the driver. He's prob. minimum wage, so I feel tips are helpful. It's a service just like any other service you tip for. I give them about 5 bucks regardless of how much my order is. Some tip peapod drivers 20% of their order - which I just cannot afford, nor do I think that's appropriate.
Apr 17, 2019 · Thank you so much for the great advice listed here about what to tip a delivery guy. My wife and I live in a city where it snows all the time so we make sure to give the delivery guy a little bit more; however, until now, we were not quite sure what was normal for tip. We never knew that you were supposed to tip the bartenders!Author: Patty Lamberti
Aug 08, 2007 · peapod can be worth it... delivery is $5-10 or so per order, less if you order more. if you've never shopped w/ them before you can get $25 off and/or free delivery by googling for "peapod coupon" they have their own stores they shop in, i believe it's probably a …
Oct 14, 2016 · I feel like this is one of those things where a $5 bill would be appreciated. I don't know that you really need to tip as a percentage of what you spent. I've …
Nov 20, 2013 · A Busy Mom’s Best Friend: The Peapod Pick-Up Service at Stop & Shop {GIVEAWAY} November 20, 2013 By: ... I love to use the Peapod delivery service, it was essential last summer when my husband was sick and I was managing the house solo. ... are you supposed to tip the person who loads everything in the car? If so, how much? Thanks! 20.
Sep 12, 2006 · How much to tip the Peapod delivery person? I've never delivered groceries, but working for 6 months delivering Japanese food in an affluent area yielded tips between $5 and $10 per order (The tip amount seemed to have to do less with the amount ordered, because unlike a waiter, the difference price doesn’t affect my overall workload, e.g.
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