319 Spadina After Hours

We collected information about 319 Spadina After Hours for you. Follow the liks to find out everything about 319 Spadina After Hours.

319 Spadina After Hours - hoursfinder.com

    The Matador is a country after hours place, not sure if they serve liqour or not. *Edit - 319 Spadina serves liqour and is an after hours, not sure if it is open after the bars close on Friday or not. Theres a few other after hours that serve booze but I am not sure what they …

319 Spadina Afterhours - hoursfinder.com

    720 Spadina Avenue is a one minute walk from the 310 SPADINA N.C. and the 510 SPADINA at the SPADINA AVE AT SUSSEX AVE stop. This apartment is in the University neighborhood in Toronto. Nearby parks include Aura Lee Playing Field, Huron & Washington Park and Ecology Park Community Garden. 720 Spadina Avenue has a Walk Score of 97 out of 100.

CBC Toronto - 319 Spadina, a 'notorious' after hours party ...

    319 Spadina, a 'notorious' after hours party spot, is gone for good, police say. Learn how they did it:...

319 Spadina Avenue, Toronto, ON

    Everything you wanted to know about 319 Spadina Avenue including: Property boundary information for this property and its neighbours (very cool!) nearby transit stations (55) and stops (361) nearby schools (242) and parks (103) other nearby addresses; and streetview imagery (if available) We've also provided a ton of maps and even larger maps.

Chinatown booze cans in police crosshairs | CBC News

    An example of how the act works was at 319 Spadina Ave. The police shut it down numerous times. But each time booze cans came back again, and there were more drugs, fights, a few stabbings, and so on.

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