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6 week old still eating every 2 to 2.5 hours June 27, 2021 | by goatgetter All the literature I have read and my LO’s pediatrician says she should be eating every 3 to 4 hours, but she still wants to eat every 2 to 2.5 hours.
And so I followed the doctor’s orders of making sure he nursed “every 2 to 3 hours.” The thing is, a few weeks after my son and I finally got the whole latching thing down, something unexpected began to happen. He started bobbing his little head against my chest, or fussing as though he was hungry much more often than every 2-3 hours.
Your baby will likely be taking 5-6 feedings a day between 7 AM and 7 PM (or 7:30-7:30, depending on your waketime) before you are ready for the 4 hour schedule. 4 hours means 4 feedings. You want to be sure your baby is physically ready.
By the time your baby is two-to-three weeks old, she or he will be taking 2 to 3 ounces of milk per feeding and eating about 15 to 25 ounces of milk daily. 3 After the first three weeks, your baby will slow down a little, though his milk intake will still increase some over the next couple of weeks. 3.
By this point, breastfed babies are transitioning to an adult diet, partaking in the family meal but in a modified form to prevent choking. They are often nursing 4 times a day or more. As long as these babies are healthy and eating regular meals, they should not have a nutritional need to nurse at night.
By only feeding baby every 2.5 to 3 hours and then, at those feeds, giving baby full feeds. Newborns will naturally only need to feed every 2.5 to 3 hours if they’re taking full feeds each time. If your baby has a habit of snacking, they will not be the ones to stop it, you’ll have to.
As your milk increases in volume, from around day 3 onwards, you will notice your baby starts to have longer sleep periods of around 1.5 – 3 hours mostly. During the first month , newborn babies need to feed on average 8 – 12 times every 24 hours to ensure they are getting enough milk and that you stimulate the breasts enough to keep building your milk supply.
What many moms don’t realize is that this *can* change dramatically around the 3-4 month mark. Babies who used to feed every 1 to 3 hours, for 30 minutes or more, babies who were always happy to breastfeed when offered - suddenly start refusing the breast at times, and when they do accept, may only feed for a few minutes before pulling off.
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