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Now, having nursed two boys for several years each – and also having worked with hundreds of moms as a La Leche League leader and lactation consultant – I can …
By only feeding baby every 2.5 to 3 hours and then, at those feeds, giving baby full feeds. Newborns will naturally only need to feed every 2.5 to 3 hours if they’re taking full feeds each time. If your baby has a habit of snacking, they will not be the ones to stop it, you’ll have to.
Your baby is still so tiny and has a small stomach that needs filling regularly. 2-3 hour stretches at this age is really good! I wouldn't try to go longer between feeds yet, you have a growth spurt coming your way when baby will be feeding all the time, day and night.
For a breast feeding baby of only three weeks 2 hourly feeds would not be unusual. Many bottle fed babies get used to having more in their tummies and do seem to go a bit longer, earlier. How much he takes overall and how his growth is are important factors.
Look at the size of your baby's fist - that's the size of his stomach. Tiny, isn't it - and won't hold a huge amount of milk. And that's why he physically can't go for longer than a couple of hours without being fed. The only consolation is that it does get better - he won't always be feeding every two hours.
3 minutes ago. Help! Baby nursing every two hours at night. I have been nursing my 15-week-old for 3 weeks now (there were problems with latching, residing jaw due to breaching at the beginning). Now he loves the breast, calms him down, falls asleep faster, he is just a different baby now and I am very happy that we have that bond now.
I know all the books and experts say that a 3 to 4 month old needs about 3 to 3 and half hours a day and 10 to 12 at night. If your baby is getting that amount but not at times you want maybe you could start adjusting slowly. Like getting her up half hour earlier each morning until she is going alseep earlier at night.
By the time your baby is two-to-three weeks old, she or he will be taking 2 to 3 ounces of milk per feeding and eating about 15 to 25 ounces of milk daily. 3 After the first three weeks, your baby will slow down a little, though his milk intake will still increase some over the next couple of weeks. 3.
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