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The working hours for a FTE position not identified below can be determined by multiplying the position’s FTE by the working hours required for a 1.0 FTE position (2088 or 2080 hours, depending on the year) and round to the nearest whole hour. For example, a .80 FTE would be required to work 1670 hours in fiscal year 2017 (2088 X .8 = 1670).
Business & Financial Services University of California, Santa Barbara 3201 Student Affairs and Administrative Services Building (SAASB) Santa Barbara, CA 93106-2040
Thank you to all veterans who have served and sacr. Per Order of the Ventura County Health Officer, we. Spend an evening with Sinatra! Dinner show every T
Need to convert 2088 Hours to Days? Simple! 2088 Hours is 87 Days! Need a 2088 Hours Timer? Or a 87 Days Timer? We can help :-)
2088 Working Hours. Total 2021-22 Fiscal Year. 261 Working Days. 2088 Working Hours. Campus Human Resources, Personnel Services. Phone: (310) 794-3147 | Fax: (310) 79 4-0865.
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