We collected information about Warwick Uni Sports Centre Opening Hours for you. Follow the liks to find out everything about Warwick Uni Sports Centre Opening Hours.
warwicksport at warwick dot ac dot uk. Opening hours. Sports & Wellness Hub (excluding Climbing Centre) Monday - Friday 6.00am - 11.00pm Saturday - Sunday 7.00am - 8.00pm. Find us. Sports and Wellness Hub, University of Warwick, Coventry, CV4 7EU
warwicksport at warwick dot ac dot uk. Opening hours. Sports & Wellness Hub (excluding Climbing Centre) Monday - Friday 6.00am - 11.00pm Saturday - Sunday 7.00am - 8.00pm. Find us. Sports and Wellness Hub, University of Warwick, Coventry, CV4 7EU
2. Sports Halls - Main. Sports Club/Community Association use. Year built: 1970 (Refurbished: 2007) Opening Times: Weekend: 07:15:00 - 21:30:00
Warwick Sport provides Sports Clubs with state-of-the-art sport and fitness facilities, including the new Sport & Wellness Hub opening in Spring 2019. With brand new facilities coming soon and the annual Varsity tournament providing a spectacular showcase of our Team Warwick sports community, this is a really exciting time to be joining.
Warwick School regards the safeguarding of its pupils as of the highest priority. To this end, there are strict rules that apply to all Sports Centre members and users. Rules relating to the appropriate use of allocated areas and opening times are in place to ensure the activities of the School and the Sports Centre are kept separate.
Sports Club / Community Association; Opening time: 07:15: Closing time: 21:30: Period open for: Saturday : Access description Sports Club / Community Association; Opening time: 07:15: Closing …Area: 300m²
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