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Be sure to include your name, delivery address, and home phone number in your e-mail. Otherwise we will extend your account accordingly for a missed delivery that day. To receive an account extension for a missed delivery from a previous day you must contact the Subscriber Services department by emailing us at The Washington Times.
Is The Washington Times daily home delivery available in my area? ... Is there a minimum or maximum for a vacation hold? A vacation hold may be placed for any timeframe between one day up to 90 days.
The New York Times "Sponsor a Student" program allows you to make a contribution that provides Times digital subscriptions to public schools and students across the United States. For every subscription granted through the program, The Times will provide a subscription to one additional student. 3. I subscribe to the newspaper.
Enter a vacation stop or hold online through your Account Profile.Once you are logged in to your account, click here to access “My home delivery” and then click "Vacation stops." You can also call 202-334-6100 to use our automated telephone service or to speak with a customer service representative.
Forgot your password? Enter your account email address and we'll send you a link to reset your password.
Independent Home Delivery Dealers. If your New York Times subscription is delivered by an independent provider, and you need assistance obtaining your account number, call your provider directly.
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