We have collected information about Walgett Remote Service Delivery for you. Follow the links to find out details on Walgett Remote Service Delivery.
Yamma – (Hello) Walgett is a town within the Gamiliarai nation, located in north-western New South Wales. The introduction of the Remote Service Delivery (RSD) has required a considerable amount of our time by attending meetings, reading documents, understanding the processes which can both benefit and impede our growth as a community.
Yamma – (Hello) Walgett is a town within the Gamiliarai nation, located in north-western New South Wales. The introduction of the Remote Service Delivery (RSD) has required a considerable amount of our time by attending meetings, reading documents, understanding the processes which can both benefit and impede our growth as a community.File Size: 2MB
Walgett has been chosen as one of 29 "priority communities" for an intensive policy that aims to reform remote service delivery, but will not be included in a remote jobs package …Author: Natasha Robinson
Working Together to Close the Gap in Walgett - Remote Service Delivery Local Implementation Plan - F. 06-Sep-2016. In December 2007, the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) agreed to a partnership between all levels of government to work with Indigenous communities to close the gap on Indigenous disadvantage.
Support is being provided under the Australian Government’s Higher Education Participation and Partnerships Program. A working partnership has been maintained between the university, the NSW Department of Education and Communities – Western New South Wales Region and the Remote Service Delivery hubs in Walgett and Wilcannia.
Mapping Report which was completed in 2010 under the Remote Service Delivery initiative). The Walgett region has one of the lowest socio-economic statuses in NSW. Under the ARIA Remoteness Index, Walgett is classified as Remote. *Please note that Australian Census figures can be inaccurate, particularly for Aboriginal and Torres Strait
The WAMS Code of Conduct is covered in WAMS Policies & Proceedures. Areas covered in the Policies & Proceedures include, Governance, Corporate Governance, OH&S, Service Delivery, Use of Resources, Clinic, Information Technology. Staff Meetings. WAMS WHS Committee Meetings are held monthly. WAMS Quality and Management Committe meets monthly.
The Walgett Community Working Party has been identified as a key local governance structure for this RSD Partnership work. A Remote Service Delivery Team is now being set up and will involve a different way of working by bringing all key agencies together. There is a long-term six year commitment to this government initiative.
Partnership Agreement on Remote Service Delivery will be implemented in NSW. 5. The implementation of the Agreement will involve the following essential elements: engagement with communities; baseline mapping and service audits; establish integrated planning, coordination, and service reporting
Walgett Shire proudly offers all the ingredients for a great outback holiday; scenery, relaxation, recreation and revitalisation. It has an abundance of wildlife and flora on display, not to mention the spectacular sunrises and brilliant sunsets to open and close your day.
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