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For individuals with authority to award or administer contracts above the Simplified Acquisition Threshold, Contracting Series GS1102 positions and military equivalents, and Certification in the Contracting Career Field; The 24 hours IS NOT to be interpreted as 24 hours of concentrated study in any one particular field within business. The 24 hours may be met through any combination of the business-related …
The Guaranteed Hours Period is typically an academic year or a calendar year or matches the length of a fixed-term contract. The dates of the The dates of the Guaranteed Hours Period are stated in the contract of employment.File Size: 752KB
COR Office Hours. Virtual Office Hours every Tuesday starting at 11:45 a.m. Eastern Time for one hour. The COR Office Hours connects people, ideas, resources and information. Click here for more info to access the live session. Next Office Hours.
The program is designed for individuals possessing a bachelor degree in a field other than federal contracting, acquisition or procurement management. The certificate program consists of 15 semester hours. For students interested in completing both the MBA and the Certificate, a subset of these courses may be used to satisfy course requirements for the Federal Contracting and Procurement …
Employees (whether on a fixed-hours or a variable-hours contract) are protected by a full range of employment rights and have entitlement to contractual benefits offered by the University, access to some of which is subject to a minimum length of service. Entitlement to contractual benefits by employees on variable-hours contracts may be on a pro-rata basis, where appropriate. Tier 2 visa holders cannot be placed on a variable-hours contract as their hours …
Sep 07, 2017 · According to the Higher Education Statistics Agency, 128,300 permanent and 70,035 fixed-term academic staff worked at universities in the UK in …
Postdoctoral Scholars who work more than 40 hours in a week shall only be eligible for compensatory time off earned at the rate of time and one half (1 ½ X) for hours actually worked in excess of 40 hours in a …
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