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UC Arlitt Child & Family Research & Education Center University of Cincinnati One Edwards Center P.O. Box 210105 Cincinnati, OH 45221-0105. For general Information: Phone: (513) 556-3802 FAX: (513) 556-3764. Enrollment Hotline: (513) 569-4510. Visit the UC Arlitt website. Hours: Full-day Sessions. Monday thru Friday (August-May) 7:45 to 5:15 AM
UC CECH » About CECH » Centers and Partnerships » Arlitt Center for Education, Research, and Sustainability » Tips for Parents, Teachers, and Administrators » Winter – Cabin Fever » For Parents
About the Provider. Description: The Arlitt Child & Family Research & Education Center is one of the oldest demonstration preschools in the United States.Founded in 1925 as the University of Cincinnati Nursery School, this child development center is sustained in part by an endowment from Dr. Ada Hart Arlitt, who was the first teacher at the school.
The Arlitt Center for Education, Research & Sustainability serves as a research site for faculty and students, acts as an observation and training resource for the community, and actively leads initiatives related to early childhood education, human development, educative environments, and education for sustainability.
For my observation hours I went to the UC Arlitt center, located in Edwards. They focus on Early Childhood interest & Non-Ed. /Gen. Ed. The children were ages 3-5. The students were reading and playing with toys provided by the UC Arlitt center. Then the children ate lunch.
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