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procmail is your local delivery agent and only works for mail destined to be delivered to a file on your Virtual Server. Filtering all mail (i.e., locally delivered and remotely delivered) is beyond the scope of this document, but may be covered in another tutorial.
Our procmail delivery agent is not the local delivery agent--even though the local delivery agent might (also) use the procmail program. If the procmail program is the local delivery agent, then our installation will have two delivery agents that call the procmail program: the (standard) local delivery agent as well as our new procmail delivery agent.
If your ISP uses procmail as its local delivery agent then you can skip the whole part of about using the .forward file -- or you can use it anyway. In either event the next step to automating your mail handling is to create a .procmailrc file in your home directory.
Some sources suggest using procmail in "delivery mode", i.e. using the -d option: mailbox_command = /usr/bin/procmail -d ${USER} See for example here and here. (There are many variations of these three approaches, e.g. using -a to pass information to the procmail recipes or setting MAILDIR.)
''FEATURE(local_procmail)'' '''. The procmail(1) program can handle a user's mail autonomously (for example, sorting incoming mail into folders based on subject) and can function as a sendmail delivery agent. Some administrators prefer procmail(1) in this latter role over normal Unix delivery agents.
Procmail is a program for filtering electronic mail. It is very useful for presorting and preprocessing large amounts of incoming mail. You can use it to sort out mail from mailing lists, to dispose of junk mail, to send automatic replies, or even to run a mailing list.
All 'normal' mail is accepted by the master's Postfix which processes it through Procmail for delivery to the Cyrus-IMAP running on the same server. Both servers are capable of running like this but only the master actually receives external email. At present, local accounts on …
Jul 11, 2009 · On my lan, my .procmailrc file is almost identical except it has far more filters, but there I get mail via fetchmail and not local delivery from postfix. Any hints on how to get this to work? It's a small use account intended as an admin contact for users of the web site, but it has started to get spam, and I'd like to set up some filters for putting messages from server (IE cron jobs) into a folder instead …
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