We have collected information about Ups Delivery Says Other Released for you. Follow the links to find out details on Ups Delivery Says Other Released.
If your driver completed the delivery, then the package's tracking status or a delivery notice (a UPS InfoNotice ® ) should indicate where your driver left the package. Shipments that don't require a signature can be left in a safe place at the driver's discretion. This could include the front porch, side door, back porch, or garage area.
UPS review with 1 Comment: We have had trouble with UPS since we've moved over two years ago into our new place. First we had a delivery that was left in our ditch under the snow... UPS - Other - released Aug 01, 2017 @ Pissed Consumer
Feb 27, 2011 · UPS - Left with other, released? My delivery confirmation online says left with other - released. Does anyone know what that means? Thanks! Answer Save. 2 Answers. Relevance. Anonymous. 9 years ago. ... Thats why I don't order stuff shipped through UPS. Seriously, call them and ask where it is they will give you a fake name and when you ask why ...
Apr 24, 2013 · UPS left at: other - released Reads 41109 • Replies 6 • Started Wednesday, April 24, 2013 12:52:13 PM CT The forums you're viewing are the static, archived version.
Apr 08, 2013 · Excuse my ignorance on this issue, but I bought some shoes off of ebay and they were shipped via UPS. The tracking says delivered, with no signature and the proof of delivery simply says "other released" however I don't have the shoes and they aren't at my house.
Feb 23, 2018 · She claimed that her order never arrived and when I looked up her tracking status, UPS said it’s “Other - released”. I searched around the Internet and found out that it pretty much means nothing. As in it could be anything from the UPS delivery person leaving it at the front porch, backyard, with a neighbor or tossed it in a trash can.
Ups delivery status left at other released. If i see my package arrived at a nearby usps location can i go pick it up? If my package arrived at usps and hasnt been delivered can i pick it up? Ups package says left at other released have not recieved package. Can i …
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