We have collected information about Ups Change Delivery Address In Transit for you. Follow the links to find out details on Ups Change Delivery Address In Transit.
UPS My Choice members will have a fee for delivery change requests to any other addresses; there is no charge for Premium members. Changing the delivery address of your package could delay your scheduled delivery date. In addition, transportation fees may apply to certain packages.
Change your delivery instructions after a missed delivery attempt in three easy steps. Track your package using your UPS InfoNotice number, found under the barcode. On the Tracking Summary screen, select "Change Delivery." Select "Choose Another Delivery Option."
Jan 22, 2019 · Place a check mark in the box next to the shipment on which you would like to perform a UPS change of address. Click “Request Intercept" to reroute your UPS package.
If you’re having a package delivered by UPS and want to change the delivery address while it’s in transit, be warned: this service will now cost you either $4 or $6 depending on whether you make the request online or over the phone.
With UPS Delivery Intercept, you as the shipper, can request that UPS intercept your shipment prior to delivery via phone or the web. UPS will perform one of the following actions: Return to Sender: Return the shipment to the shipper (not available in Puerto Rico) Deliver to Another Address: Reroute the shipment to a new address.
When you track a package before the first delivery attempt, UPS My Choice ® members see options to change delivery for eligible shipments. Options include redirecting your package to another address, rescheduling the delivery date, or picking up your package at a UPS customer center or at a UPS Access Point ™ location, where available.
When you select UPS Delivery Intercept, you can request that UPS perform one of the following actions: Return to Sender: Return the package to the shipper. Deliver to Another Address: Reroute the package to a new address. Reschedule Delivery: Hold the package for delivery on a future date.
In the Address Modification window, choose an option from the drop-down menu in the New Delivery Address section. The address fields are activated once you've made a selection. 5. Enter the address correction.
Use your UPS InfoNotice® or tracking number to get the latest package status and estimated delivery date.
UPS My Choice members can change the package delivery to any address, including UPS customer centres or UPS Access Point locations, for free. Please note that changing the delivery address of your package could delay your scheduled delivery date. In addition, transportation fees may apply to certain packages.
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