Theme The Hours

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The Hours: Themes SparkNotes
    Themes are the fundamental and often universal ideas explored in a literary work. The Human Fascination With Mortality . The three main characters in The Hours search for meaning in their lives and evaluate suicide as a way of escaping the problems they face. Virginia, Clarissa, and Laura are incredibly sensitive and perceptive to the world around them.

The Hours Themes -
    Discussion of themes and motifs in Michael Cunningham's The Hours. eNotes critical analyses help you gain a deeper understanding of The Hours so you can excel on your essay or test.

Major Themes - Analysis of "The Hours"
    In each of the three stories, there is imagery of flowers which represent what Clarissa, Laura, and Virginia think they must do to keep a normal life. Even though Clarissa Vaughan is hurting inside from the mountain of regrets she has and the worry for her old lover and friend, Richard, she buys flowers for her party to seem like she is happy.

The Hours (Film) Themes GradeSaver
    The Hours (Film) Themes. These notes were contributed by members of the GradeSaver community. We are thankful for their contributions and encourage you to make your own. Written by Shirley Marina.Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins

Themes - Mrs. Dalloway & The Hours
    Both books have a theme of timelessness. The past gets wrapped up in the present and the future is held back in the present, and both get confused for the present. With Clarissa Dalloway, she constantly finds herself pondering her past, as she does several times within the first few pages of the book. ... In The Hours, the most profound mention ...

The Hours by Michael Cunningham: Summary and reviews
    Book Summary. Passionate, profound and deeply moving - Cunningham's most remarkable achievement to date. 1999 Pulitzer Prize Winner. In The Hours, Michael Cunningham, who is recognized as "one of our very best writers" (Richard Eder, Los Angeles Times ), draws inventively on the life and work of Virginia Woolf to tell the story of a group of contemporary characters who are struggling with the conflicting …

The Hours (novel) - Wikipedia
    Major themes LGBT issues. The Hours concerns three generations of questionably lesbian or bisexual women. Virginia Woolf was known to have affairs with women; Laura Brown kisses Kitty in her kitchen, and Clarissa Vaughan is in a relationship with Sally, and was previously Richard's lover. Peripheral characters also exhibit a variety of sexual orientations.

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