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\\jciprod01\productn\U\UST\9-2\UST213.txt unknown Seq: 3 21-DEC-12 13:00 2011] THE PRESSURES OF BILLABLE HOURS 621 bono work.4 Especially when work is scarce, practitioners can feel pressure to bill more and more on the same files, and they might achieve this by
Mar 25, 2011 · We argue that billable hour pressure is merely the ‘face’ of more fundamental pressures stemming from the way that lawyers in private practice perceive their work environments. Even without excessive billable hour targets, lawyers may be more likely to engage in unethical behaviour where they believe that unethical behaviour is necessary in ...Cited by: 1
2012] THE PRESSURES OF BILLABLE HOURS 619 achieve an environment that is healthier for lawyers and less exploitative for clients. This paper examines these issues through data from the Queensland Billing Practices Survey, run by the Legal Services Commission in Queen-sland, …
This paper examines whether lawyers’ experience of time-based billing and billable hour budgets subjects them to pressures that encourage unethical practices. We argue that billable hour pressure is merely the ‘face’ of more fundamental pressures stemming from the way that lawyers in private practice perceive their work environments. Even without excessive billable hour targets, lawyers ...
The evidence points to a common pattern of rigid and demanding schedules, which can be traced back to the indirect pressures exerted by the widespread system of ‘billable hours’.Estimated Reading Time: 10 mins
14. Predictably, the number of persons reporting that billable hour pressure had taken a toll increased as the number of hours worked increased. The percentage also in-creased with firm size with 74% of respondents in large fi-ms reporting that billable hour pressure had taken a …Cited by: 3
Apr 21, 2016 · By Zachariah Schafferius. I. HISTORY OF THE ‘BILLABLE HOUR’ AND BILLING IN MODERN LAW FIRMS. The system of ‘billable hours’ remains the most common method of payment for legal services in Australia, despite attracting significant criticism from both inside and outside the legal industry. [1] This system has been widely criticised for placing too much pressure on lawyers, as it measures ...Estimated Reading Time: 13 mins
The Commission on Billable Hours hopes to begin to combat the problem by examining the billable hour it-self. Does that kind of charge unnecessarily aggravate the pressures that threaten to confine the lawyer to the office, insulating him or her from the community? More-over, does the billable hour contribute to or undermine
Apr 30, 2020 · Photo by Helena Lopes on Unsplash. Develop a strong product-market-fit. Traditional law firms obsess over their utilization rate and revenue. Law firms without billable hours, however, keep a close eye on their product-market-fit at all times.. A law firm with no billable hours sees the PMF as a learning method that ensures their offering meets the market demand.
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