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We offer a free evaluation and a convenient free. transition period for your Condo, HOA or Co-op. Complete Management and In-house Maintenance. Programs with our own staff and equipment. Winner of the Gold Quality of Life Award. 265 Brookfield Ave. Center Moriches, NY 11934. (631)363-5500. [email protected].
56 4. TiMe management and ProducTiviTY The ExPECTATIOns • employees should not work excessive hours • maximum number of working hours must be in compliance with national law, collective agreements and the provisions of the relevant ilo standards • overtime must be paid at a premium rate, in accordance with law • rest days and breaks must be provided in accordance with law and workers
Monday – Friday: 8am – 7pm. Saturday: 2pm – 7:30pm. Sunday: 9am – 4pm. The EIG Property Management office is located in the North Loop, near downtown Minneapolis. 1012 N 5th Street.
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