Swedish Stock Exchange Opening Hours

We collected information about Swedish Stock Exchange Opening Hours for you. Follow the liks to find out everything about Swedish Stock Exchange Opening Hours.

2021 Stockholm Stock Exchange (OMX) Trading Hours ...

    The Stockholm Stock Exchange is open for a total of 8 hours 25 minutes per day. Most markets are open 5 to 7 hours per day. Most markets are open 5 to 7 hours per day. Smaller markets tend to be open for short periods.

Sweden Stock exchange (OMX) trading hours

    The opening hours of the Stock Exchange of Sweden are 9:00 to 17:25. Outside these hours you can sometimes trade in Swedish shares in the pre- or post-market stock exchanges. This is often more expensive due to the lower number of investors.

2021 Copenhagen Stock Exchange (OMXC) Trading Hours ...

    The Copenhagen Stock Exchange is open for a total of 7 hours 55 minutes per day. Most markets are open 5 to 7 hours per day. Smaller markets tend to be open for short periods.

Stockholm Stock Exchange OMX Holidays 2021 Trading Hours.

    Below is a list of the Opening, Closing, Current as well as Countdown Times for the Stockholm Stock Exchange (OMX). Stockholm Stock Exchange (OMX) Hours. Sweden - 06 hours 43 minutes 40 seconds to Open. Status.

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