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Apr 25, 2016 · Teachers shall have a 35 hour working week. The working week shall apply on a pro rata basis to teachers on part-time contracts. Within the 35-hour week, a maximum of 22.5 hours will be devoted to class contact. An allowance of no less than one third of the teacher’s actual class contact commitment is provided for preparation and correction.Estimated Reading Time: 3 mins
Teachers are employed for a 35 hour week with: A maximum of 22½ hours class contact. A minimum of 7½ hours personal allowance for preparation and correction. Teachers exercise professional autonomy in relation to these hours. Collegiate time of 5 hours per week whose use is agreed in the school’s Working Time Agreement (190 hour over school ...
Your working hours are pro rata to a full time teacher. If you are 0.4fte your working week would be 14 hours with a max class contact of 9 hours (0.4x22.5), 2 hours collegiate time and 3 hours personal allowance for preparation and correction. The non-contact time would be the difference in the pupil day (s) you are employed and your max class ...
Jul 21, 2019 · Scottish teachers are supposed to work 35 hours per week, with a maximum of 22.5 hours devoted to class contact. In a recent survey by the EIS teaching union – the largest union in Scotland – six out of 10 full-time teachers said they worked more than eight hours extra on top of their contractual working hours each week.
May 29, 2015 · Teachers in Scotland are working an additional 11 hours a week on top of their contracted hours, according to a survey by a union. The EIS asked 3,500 primary and secondary teachers across the ...
Des Morris (Chair, Teachers' Side) Councillor Gail Macgregor (Chair, Employers' Side) Andy Drought (Chair, Scottish Government) They are supported by 3 Joint Secretaries: Louise Wilson (Teachers' Side) Simon Cameron (Employers' Side) Stephanie Walsh (Scottish Government).
Jan 28, 2021 · changing an employees contracted hours; remuneration for out of hours work; Flexible working. Flexible working is a way of working that suits an employee's needs, e.g. having flexible start and finish times, or working from home. All employees have the legal right to request flexible working – not just parents and carers.
Sep 11, 2012 · SCOTTISH teachers have one of the heaviest workloads in the world, according to a global survey. On average, they spend 855 hours a year …
Mar 27, 2019 · Head teachers and deputy and assistant head teachers are not subject to the working time limits of 190/195 days and 1,265 hours. However, governing bodies and head teachers are required to have regard to the need for a satisfactory work/life balance for all teachers. Speak to your workplace rep and other colleagues if you feel you are working ...
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