We have collected information about Squid Optimising Web Delivery for you. Follow the links to find out details on Squid Optimising Web Delivery.
The Squid Wiki is a repository of frequently asked questions, configuration examples and other documentation which could always do with a little more attention. Create an account and contact the Wiki sitemaster to give you write access. This website has a case-studies corner containing articles on how Squid is used in real Internet networks. The aim is to hopefully foster more of an understanding of web content delivery …
The squid-users mailing list is an active community of administrators and other Squid enthusiasts discussing Squid problems and solutions. If you find email too slow some of the community also hang out in the #squid chatroom on freenode IRC network. Other Contacts. If you need to send us some private mail, you can write to [email protected].
Squid Versions Getting Squid Binary Packages. Many operating systems include Squid in their ports/packages system. This is an easy way to get Squid up and running quickly, and a good way to keep up-to-date with Squid versions supported by your operating system. In some cases, you may want (or be forced) to download a binary package of Squid ...
The Squid project is a non-profit run mostly by volunteers who donate their time and resources to a variety of activities. You have a few options for donation if …
Squid Deployment Case Studies. This section will grow over time as references to papers, discussions and deployment examples are added. Web Service Acceleration Examples. Janurary 2007: Wikipedia Squid Deployment; Feburary 2007: Flickr Squid Deployment; July 2007: FroNTier Squid Deployment
Aside from Squid, we also support Apache, Samba, Bind, Qmail and OpenLDAP. Support is available on-site, by phone or over the Internet. Nasf Innovations Islamabad Pakistan [email protected] 923008552061: High performance web cache server with squid. Installation and maintinance consultancy services for WAN and LAN. Naturesoft Pvt Ltd ...
Optimising Web Delivery. Docs; Download; Donate; Support; About; Contact; Shop; Blog; Changes to squid-4.9 (05 Nov 2019): - Bug 4978: eCAP crash after using MyHost().newRequest() - Bug 4970: excessive gnutls_certificate_credentials debug msgs - Bug 4969: GCC-9 build failure: stringop-truncation - Bug 4966: Lower cache_peer hostname - Bug 4918 ...
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