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Sport England’s design and cost advice; Information available from Sport England’s planning tools and guidance (e.g. those within its Active Places Power website (including the Sports Facility and Playing Pitch Calculators), the Facilities Planning Model and whether the site is classified as a SASP – a significant area for sport).
Grants of between £500,000 and £2m can be considered for a standalone project, or as a contribution to a strategic plan that includes more than one project. We recognise that some of the biggest increases in activity have been where sport can be located alongside other services, such as schools, libraries or doctor surgeries.
The purpose of this Project Delivery Plan Template is to assist in the development of good quality applications. Most applications received that are not funded are rejected because they lack sufficient evidence of project planning, in particular, that it is not clear how the outputs will be delivered or what our funding will be used for.
In November 2017, Greater Manchester was confirmed as one of Sport England’s Local Delivery Pilot (LDP) areas. An introductory meeting of Sport England and the 12 Local Delivery Pilot areas took place on 12 December. Following this, a paper was tabled at …
This Delivery Plan is one of five linked public health strategies and delivery plans being published in 2018, and taken together create a healthy environment whilst encouraging people to make good choices about their health, their life and their communities. But our …
into practice, as is the whole team at Sport England. We hope you will join us. Jennie Price Chief Executive, Sport England i am proud to introducE Sport England’S nEw StratEgy: towardS an activE nation. it SEtS out how wE will uSE thE public Funding and rESourcES For which wE arE rESponSiblE to bEnEFit EvEryonE in England
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