We have collected information about Smpp Delivery Receipt Error Codes for you. Follow the links to find out details on Smpp Delivery Receipt Error Codes.
62 rows · DELIVERY RECEIPT OR ERROR CODE SHORT DESCRIPTION RETURNED LONG DESCRIPTION 0 delivered ok 1 service-not-allowed service-not-allowed 8 dlr-deleted-manually dlr-deleted-manually 100 temporar...
49 rows · You will only receive this receipt code in the response to a Get Message Status request. …
Sending Concatenated Messages via SMPP; How to read a Nexmo SMPP Delivery Receipt? What are the supported characters encoding for SMPP? Should I bind with transceiver or transmitter/receiver? How to manage throttling with SMPP?
SMPP Delivery Receipt Error Codes Error codes returned in delivery receipts are used to indicate any error situation encountered when attempting to deliver a message. Error codes are SMS gateway and SMSC platform specific.
48 rows · OpenMarket successfully sent the message to the carrier's network. In some situations the …
SMPP Error Codes. These error codes are returned with submit_sms_resp PDUs. They indicate either an issue with the format or structure of your request, or an issue with delivery to the mobile phone. As well as these pre-defined SMPP error codes, there are OpenMarket-Specific SMPP Error Codes. We use these to better indicate what may have caused the request to fail.
SMPP DLR Status Codes. When connecting to Unifonic through an SMPP client, we provide you with standard DLR Codes on DLR enabled connections as follow: Status Number.
If bit 2 of this byte is set ( 0x04 ), it is a delivery report. To use delivery reports, you have to setup a transceiver connection to the SMPP provider, because you are going to send and receive messages. The delivery status is encoded in the 'short_message' field as an ASCII text message.
Delivery Receipt SMPP Delivery Receipt After successful submit_sm you will receive message_id to track delivery status. You can either query delivery status by query_sm or wait or instant delivery receipt. Example flow
The SMPP (Short Message Peer-to-Peer) protocol is an open, industry standard protocol designed to provide a flexible data communications interface for the transfer of short message data between External Short Message Entities (ESME), Routing Entities (RE) and Message Centres (MC).
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