Sap Table Purchase Order Delivery Date

We have collected information about Sap Table Purchase Order Delivery Date for you. Follow the links to find out details on Sap Table Purchase Order Delivery Date.

In which table the PO delivery dates will get stored - SAP Q&A
    Hi, when I tae report for Plant I get the Delivery date different from that of the delivery date mentioned in the PO. Could any one sugget me where from the delivery date is picked up and what all the combination is of Delivery date. Best Regards Sri2/5

PO Item Delivery Date Field - Tech Community
    Please respond to sap-log-mm. To: hovering_yogi <[email protected]> cc: Subject: [sap-log-mm] PO Item Delivery Date Field I am having problems trying to find exactly what table the PO item delivery date is stored in. I seem to find only structures when I go looking for it. Does anyone know what table the Delivery Date is in? Thanks,Author: Ed Gawiak

List Of SAP Purchase Order Tables In SAP MM (SAP PO Tables)
    Nov 15, 2015 · In this post, you will find the main SAP Purchase Order Tables for header, item and historical. As well as, all relevant SAP tables related to Purchasing process. First we will explain the main Purchase Order SAP Tables, then we will list the main SAP Table for Purchase Document in SAP MM ( Material Management).

SAP Purchase Order, Delivery Date Tables -,+delivery+date
    39 rows · SAP Purchase Order, Delivery Date Tables: EKPO — Purchasing Document Item, EKKO — …

SAP Help Portal
    In comparison with DataStore object MM-PUR: Purchase Document Schedule Line (/IMO/D_PUR12), the purchase order delivery DSO provides the goods receipt value and quantity based on …

SAP Delivery Tables & SAP Shipment Tables In SAP SD
    Mar 29, 2017 · Link Between Shipping and Delivery in SAP. Delivery header data is in table LIKP. Delivery item data is in table LIPS.. Shipment header data is in table VTTK. The Shipment delivery data is in table VTTP. Shipment stage data is in table VTTS.. The link from delivery to shipment is table VBFA with VBELV = the delivery number and VBTYP_N = 8. Shipment number is in VBFA-VBELN.

Purchase Order Values - SAP Help Portal
    Purchase Order Quantities. Average Delivery Time - Vendor. Average Delivery Time - Material. Fulfillment Rate - Deliveries. Vendor Comparison re Purchase Values. Delivery Quantity Variance. Delivery Date Variance. Country Comparison, Raw Materials - Goods Receipt. Vendor Service Level

sap - How to change PO delivery date via ME_PROCESS_PO ...
    I need to update the delivery date of the purchase order. I used the ME_PROCESS_PO_CUST BAdI in the POST method but it does not update the dates in the EKET table, only the dates on the screen are updated.. Here is the code in the method POST:. CALL METHOD im_header->get_data RECEIVING re_data = ls_header_data.

MEPO1320 - Fields for Purchase Order Delivery Schedule ...
    MEPO1320 (Fields for Purchase Order Delivery Schedule Lines) is a standard table in SAP R\3 ERP systems. Below you can find the technical details of the fields that make up this table. Key fields are marked in blue. Additionally we provide an overview of foreign key relationships, if any, that link MEPO1320 to other SAP tables.

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