Sap Table Actual Delivery Date

We have collected information about Sap Table Actual Delivery Date for you. Follow the links to find out details on Sap Table Actual Delivery Date.

what is the actual delivery date - SAP Q&A
    This answer has been undeleted. Hi, The actual delivery date is the date by which your goods reach the customer. It is field appearing in delivery. Planned delivery date will be calculated by the system automatically based on the backward or forward delivery scheduling based …

Delivery Date Variance -
    Would you like to participate in a short survey about the SAP Help Portal? ... Table of Contents Menu ... 0PUR_C01. Use. This query enables you to examine the percentage variances between desired and actual delivery dates. Delivery date variances are rated with the aid of a grid consisting of various windows (time intervals). ...

Compare Actual PGI date and Delivery date - SAP Q&A
    Hi SAP Guys, I want to compare delivery date and actual PGI date. In likp having so many dates which date should I compare with Actual Pgi date. My requirement is identify the back dated PGI and delay PGI. Here I have seen created on date what the us1/5

In which table the PO delivery dates will get stored - SAP Q&A
    Sechdule item delivery date stored table EKET-EINDT which is captured in PO but you can take Goods Receipt document date table MKPF-BLDAT when the delivery completed. Regards,2/5

SAP: How To Get PO Items Delivery Dates - Tech
    SAP: How To Get PO Items Delivery Dates. Hello experts, Please, can someone help me with the following. ... or doing some magic work with EKET and other EK** tables (do not know how - I am beginner but keen to learn and experiment). Can you please point me to some concrete solution / steps? I am using SAP ECC 6.

SAP Delivery Tables & SAP Shipment Tables In SAP SD
    Mar 29, 2017 · List of the main Delivery Tables & Shipment Tables in SAP SD (Sales & Distribution) Mar 29, 2017 by John in SAP SD & SAP MM. Delivery Tables in SAP store all the data collected for Delivery and Shippinh for SAP Materials and Services. You will find following the list of the main SAP Delivery Tables for Sales Document in SAP SD.

SAP ABAP Table Field AFPO-LTRMI (Actual delivery/finish ...
    SAP ABAP Table Field AFPO-LTRMI (Actual delivery/finish date) - SAP Datasheet - The Best Online SAP Object Repository

Calculation of Vendor's score for On-time Delivery
    When calculating a vendor's score for on-time delivery, a score is calculated for each Goods Receipt, and saved in table S013. The scores for on-time delivery are filled in PWTT1 and PWTT2. PWTT1: score for on-time delivery current period. PWTT2: score for on-time …

SE16 Table to show Actual Goods Issue Time Stamp
    SE16 Table to show Actual Goods Issue Time Stamp. ... Is there an SE16 Table to show Actual Goods Issue Date and Time Stamp? share this A. Anonymous. asked ... Before asking try to check yourself by pressing F1.(technical settings) any way answer is LIKP table--field name--WADAT_IST.. Phanikumar. p. phanimsd. June 25, 2014 11:52 AM.

How to track and compare the Purchase Statistical delivery ...
    Sep 21, 2011 · How to track and compare the Purchase Statistical delivery date with the Delivery date in the Purchase Order Item ? In fact I don't find where the Statistical Delivery date is calculated an, How to track and compare the Purchase Statistical delivery date with the Delivery date in the Purchase Order Item , Purchasing MM (Materials Management) Forum

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