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Hi all I have a issue about sto goods receipt, Steps: 1.Create a PO with ME21N; 2.VL10B create a outbound delivery order; 3.not PGI 4.Goods receipt refer to outbound delivery; if I try to post goods receipt against outbound delivery then get an error
1. The delivery does not exist. 2. The delivery type is unknown. 3. The delivery is not goods issue posted. 4. There are no delivery items. 5. The receiving plant could not be determined. 6. The delivery items have already been goods receipt posted or contain zero quantities. 7.
1. The delivery does not exist. 2. The delivery type is unknown. 3. The delivery is not goods issue posted. 4. There are no delivery items. 5. The receiving plant could not be determined. 6. The delivery items have already been goods receipt …1/5
1. The delivery does not exist. 2. The delivery type is unknown. 3. The delivery is not goods issue posted. 4. There are no delivery items. 5. The receiving plant could not be determined. 6. The delivery items have already been goods receipt posted or contain zero quantities. 7.
Error M7865 "Goods receipt not possible for delivery &: error code 4" arises when trying to post goods receipt in MIGO for Outbound Delivery.
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Purpose. The goods receipt process for inbound deliveries is an essential part of the supply chain. After the creation of the purchase order, this process includes the notification, the inbound delivery, subsequent putaway of goods, and the goods receipt posting of the ordered goods.
SAP Extended Warehouse Management (SCM-EWM) SAP Extended Warehouse Management Goods Receipt, Goods Issue (SCM-EWM-GM-GRI) SAP Extended Warehouse Management Delivery Processing, Goods Movements (GR/GI/Reversal/Posting Change) (SCM-EWM-DLP-BF-GM)
2446645-Cancellation or Return Delivery are not possible for Good Receipt or Service entry sheet posted in MM Symptom You post a Good Receipt\Service entry sheet in ECC (Migo\ML81N transaction) for a PO originated from a SRM system.
SAP Retail also enables you to enter the goods receipt in two steps. To ensure that the data is as accurate as possible when the goods are actually checked at goods receipt, you can enter the delivery note data as a rough goods receipt. You post the actual goods receipt in a second step, referencing the rough goods receipt. Integration
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