Sap Delivery Pgi Date

We have collected information about Sap Delivery Pgi Date for you. Follow the links to find out details on Sap Delivery Pgi Date.

Compare Actual PGI date and Delivery date - SAP Q&A
    Compare Actual PGI date and Delivery date Posted on Sep 05, 2008 at 04:55 AM 779 Views Follow1/5

PGI Date in Sales Order is Different from the Associated ...
    PGI Date in Sales Order is Different from the Associated Delivery Gurus, I have a sales order with a PGI date that is different from the PGI date in the delivery by 2 days.Author: Salvatore Restucci

Field and Table for PGI status updation - SAP Q&A
    Hi All, I want to know in which field and table the PGI status will get updated. i.e. once we do the PGI for a delivery in which table will this PGI status gets updated. Thanks in advance for help. Harini2/5

Create Picking, Packing & PGI (Post Goods Issue): SAP LT03 ...
    Mar 17, 2020 · Create PGI. Step 1) Create Outbound delivery . Enter T-code VL01N in command bar. Enter Shipping Point. Enter Selection Date and sales order. Click on save button. A message "Delivery 80016014" has been saved. Step 2) Creating Picking Request. Enter T-code LT03 in command field. Enter warehouse Number / Plant / Delivery and press enter . Click on save Button.

Planned GI and Actual GI dates - SAP Q&A
    2.My second question is in delivery overview screen, there are 2 dates visible, one is Planned GI date and the other one is Actual GI date.What is the differenence between these two. Planned GI date = Schedule lines conformed date or deliverty creation date. Actual GI date= The date actually you done the PGI for that delivery.

Difference between Delivery and PGI - SAP Q&A
    hi. PGI-Post Goods Issue is one of the processess involved in Delivery.. the process of PGI involves with the complete picking of the material to be delivered to the customer from the picking point. this is process which is performed when the material is ready for picking after packing and other process involved..

SAP: Sales Document Date Fields Demystified - Michael ...
    Dec 03, 2014 · Since the route is a major input to this date, SAP will assume zero lead time if a route is not specified. The Goods Issue Date is the date on which the goods must physically leave the shipping point. This primarily takes into consideration the customer requested delivery date and the transit time required for the delivery.

Can you explain about actual GI (gods issue) date and ...
    Can you explain about actual GI (gods issue) date and planned GI date? Can actual GI date differ from planned GI date? ... Planned PGI date is depend on requested Delivery date and Actual PGI date is depend on shipping point and Route eg. ... i would like to join sap sd module . please give me suggetions about this. 4 Answers CSE, ...

SAP User manual for picking, packing & post goods issue
    After packing the goods, the packed goods are delivered to the customer. This is called as Post Good Issue (PGI). It is the final step of shipment processing. Post-Good Issue can be done in SAP using transaction code VL02N. In our example we are going to create picking, packing, and post a good issue for a sales order 14424 in SAP.

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