We have collected information about Sap Bapi Ws Delivery Update for you. Follow the links to find out details on Sap Bapi Ws Delivery Update.
SAP ABAP Function Module WS_DELIVERY_UPDATE (Änderungen von Lieferungen) - SAP Datasheet - The Best Online SAP Object Repository
WS_DELIVERY_UPDATE is a standard SAP function module available within R/3 SAP systems depending on your version and release level. Below is the pattern details for this FM showing its interface including any import and export parameters, exceptions etc as well as any documentation contributions specific to the object.See here to view full function module documentation and code listing, simply ...
Where Used List (Function Module) for SAP ABAP Function Module WS_DELIVERY_UPDATE_2 (Änderungen von Lieferungen) - SAP Datasheet - The Best Online SAP Object Repository
The function module WS_DELIVERY_UPDATE performs the same BADI he was putting code in that he wanted to call the FM or BAPI from. So if he called WS_DELIVERY_UPDATE would he not have VL02N calling WS_DELIVERY_UPDATE which then would call the VL02N paragraphs that would call the WS_DELIVERY_UPDATE again. Sounds like an infinite loop to me.
II. HU_READ_DELIVERY_AND_INIT III. V51P_FIND_HEADER IV. V51P_HU_CONTENS V. HU_PACKING_AND_UNPACKING VI. WS_DELIVERY_UPDATE. Function Module HU_PACKING_REFRESH: We call this function module before starting the packing process as it initializes all the SAP global tables – which is involved during the packing process.
Apr 02, 2010 · Buenas tardes, Necesito cambiar la candidad de picking de una entrega y acto seguido hacer un movimiento 641, tengo entendido que con la bapi WS_DELIVERY_UPDATE_2 es posible hacerlo, alguien tiene un ejemplo de la BAPI, ya que no se muy bien como hacerla funcionar ya que no me cambia la cantidad de picking y mucho menos tengo idea de como hacer el movimiento con esa bapi…
Nov 17, 2011 · Program to upload picking quantity and do Post Goods Issue through vl02 transaction in Report ZSDD_DELIV_PICK. ... SAP ABAP » SAP ABAP Tutorial » SAP BAPI(Business Application Programming Interface) ... CALL FUNCTION 'WS_DELIVERY_UPDATE_2'
This article explains how to perform batch split of a outbound delivery using the BAPI BAPI_OUTB_DELIVERY_CHANGE. Also after peforming batch split, we also do delivery picking using the FM WS_DELIVERY_UPDATE_2 . report zle_delivery_batch_split. types: begin of ty_params, vbeln_vl type vbeln_vl, pikmg type pikmg,
Posting GI from VL06 / VL06G / WS_MONITOR_OUTB_DEL_GDSI. Delivery is updated by Customer's own program / IDOC. After the delivery is updated, no message determination is carried out. When displaying the delivery in VL03n, output it not there. But if you check the output in VL02n, the output can be determined (output exist with yellow light).
冲销已过账外向交货单bapi:ws_reve… 5. 交货单过账后添加文本 ; 6. bapi----冲销外向交货 ; 7. 外向交货单屏幕增强badi:le_shp_t… 8. 修改外向交货单:bapi_outb_delive… 9. 创建外向交货单bapi_outb_delivery… 10. 删除外向交货单 bapi_outb_de… 更多相关文章...
Nov 22, 2011 · FU BAPI_OUTB_DELIVERY_CHANGE Functionality. ... If the decentralized WMS is an SAP system, the system blocks the relevant outbound delivery in the partner system as soon as you call the change transaction. ... This asynchrounous change request causes the partner system to update the outbound delivery data. 8. The system removes the cross-system ...
sap標準画面の項目追加 (08/14) 会計転記bapiで備忘明細を登録する方法 (01/25) 出荷伝票変更のbapi (01/23) se16nのデバッグでsap標準テーブル更新 (01/18) 受注登録bapiのextensionin利用法 (01/17) 品目マスタ登録bapiで品目の総重量を設定する方法 (01/04) 汎用モジュールとは ...
交货单批次拆分 dn发货过账 交货单 发货单 货量 发货 内向交货单 删除交货单 外向交货单 批量更改 批量修改 期货 +水货 裁货 干货 杂货 期货 假货 杂货 干货 c&c++ abap ws_delivery_update 更改交货单数量 sap 外向发货拣货 bapi 交货单 创建及过账 idcngrir_gnb - 收货 ...
、 bapi_billingdoc_createmultiple 创建发票,注意参数ref_doc_ca 5、 bapi_salesorder_change 修改或者删除销售订单 6、 mb_cancel_goods_movement 冲销交货单的过账发货 7、 bapi_billingdoc_cancel 发票的冲销 8、 bapi_outb_delivery_change 修改外向交货单 9、 sd_delivery_update_picking 修改外向交货单拣配数量 10、ws_delivery_update 外向交货单 ...
Dec 19, 2016 · Contact Information #3940 Sector 23, Gurgaon, Haryana (India) Pin :- 122015. [email protected]
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